Saturday, February 23, 2008

Photo-Graphy (4)

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space study with still images
the workshop on photography is one that really interests me. it opened my eyes to a new dimension of photography. the final assignment of the workshop focuses on using still images to study how objects/humans act in space over time. i decided to study people in front of waiting areas like receptions and coffee machines with a timing of 8 seconds interval. the result is shown below.
At the end of the workshop, i learnt a new dimension of photography. Rather than the normal convention of videos, still images can be used to construct stories and study spaces.

Photography (3)

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the idea was to take the picture of objects from the same distance at the same scale. the result shows a sequence of images of an object from different views.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Photo-Graphy (2)

Something i will never think of taking a picture of...................
For a whole night, i was thinking about something i will never take a picture of, but couldn't find one. After i woke up the following morning, as i was dressing up for class and was about wearing my shoes, i discovered that i never looked inside my shoes ever since i bought it and will never think of taking the picture. Inside my shoe is so dark and dingy.

"inside my shoes"
I think we will never think of taking pictures of things we see but don't look at. I see my shoes everyday but doesn't look at the inside.

Photo-Graphy (1)

Bad photographs.

As one can see that this is a nice image which we often see in movies but its a bad photograph. what i simply did was to work on the pricinple of refraction so as to hide the faces of the people. I took the picture with two panels of glass infront of me and i turned the flash light on.
the resulting impression is that of people doing a shady business.

Fantasy Saves Planning

The challenges of building slums in a formal setting?
How can we build a slum in TU Delft?
How do we get the building materials?
How are we not going to be caught by the neighbouring cops?
We (urban body students) sets out strategies in executing the mission. We mapped out the site and sourced for materials tactically from construction sites, wastes bins, and boukwunde basements. The construction was done within 6 hours.
Some could describe the workshop as challenging while, others could say this is interesting and fun. But i will describe it as the reality of some.

Space, body and Phenomenology

I must say that the lecture was really complex but i was able to pick some few things. I understood that thinking is an event which is a path, a way that opens up an area, a new event, a new experience of space which is time related. By bringing unity into our being, phenomenology gives us genuine experience. The kind of world we are is not about measure but a "path" which is our thinking.

Planet of Slums

From my experience,
Lagos slums is a replication of the confrontation between the formal and the informal.

Some could describe slums as parasites, but i reserve my opinion to that even though i agree that they are eyesores to the city.

From my experience, i could say that they are eyesores and at the same time benefits other parts of the city. by way of example, they provide cheap labour. These scenario is a dichotomy of the formal and informal

Body Scan : Place Scan

After the understaning of my body as a series of layers, body scan and place scan is a true test and reflection of the awareness of my body.

Body Scan?
lying quietly on the floor
with my eyes closed
i could feel the presence of people in the room
their noise put pressure on me
and my body temperature increased.
my breathing was faster

Place scan?
looking through the windows
with my eyes opened,
i saw the beautiful landscape
i saw the grasses moving
i heard the sound of the wind blowing

Experiencing Space

At every point in time,
Our body is surrounded by space,
Body in space or space in body,
The question is............................
Does our body experience this space?
Maybe, it's a dilemma of our time, maybe not,
People often walk in long corridors,
Travels from one place to the other,
Relax in their homes,
But, do we understand these spaces?
Do we understand our body?
Does our body experience the spaces?

In this workshop by Susanna Recchia, i realised that my body consist of not just the flesh but a series of layers which interacts with the space. An understanding and awareness of these series of layers helped me to understand our space, our architecture, and our world. In short, body awareness influences the perception of our spaces.