Saturday, March 29, 2008

day 11: Nagar's

On this day, the idea was to focus on a community in dharavi. 13th compound, chamdar bazaar, koliwada, transit camp, social nagar, muslim community, and khumbarwada are the different communities in dharavi. With myself, Kevin, Stephan, daksha, and sonam focusing on the 13th compound, with reid cooper accompanying us, we tried to source for the information concerning the history of the place. On our way to 13th compound, we got to the boundary and the whole place was pollutted with CO2, it was really difficult to breathe. Little did we get this day but all we know is that it was a swampy area around 1930’s when people used to dump refuse on it and gradually reclaiming the land. 13th compound is mainly dominated by muslims and people came from different parts of the country; south India, north India, tamli, uttar pratesh, kamil and so on.

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