Saturday, March 29, 2008

day 19: where is our couch?

This day, we went straight to shakir compound, so as to see our couch. Surprisingly, we did not find the couch there. We tried to trace the route of the couch so as to know what happened to it. We conducted interviews so as to know what happened to our lovely couch. A man siad, if they bring your food to your front, won't you take it. It has been sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We discovered that eventhough the couch provides a communal sit, recycling material is the first priority in 13th compound and they will never joke with it. we then conducted an interview with a factory worker about how they experience communality.
Interview with a factory worker
I am a Muslim. I work and live with seven other people in this factory in 13th compound. Our company deals with recycling of corrugated boxes for retail use. We get our materials from rejects of other companies and recycle them for second use. I have 11 children, the oldest is 21 years and the youngest is 4 years. After my marriage, I came from Allahabed, Uttar Pratesh in 1986 to Dharavi in search of better standard of living and I go home twice a year for 15 – 20 days to visit my family. I won’t allow any of my family to come here because livelihood is expensive and I can’t go home permanently because I have no money to start business. I work for 8 hours and work overtime when needed. When I am not working, I move around dharavi from one factory to the other to talk to people that are less busy like me and sometimes i cook. There is nothing like promotion here, I am the same factory worker since i came here. The seven of us cook together, since we earn the same amount of money around 150 – 250 rupees per day and we cook outside the factory because of the fumes. At the end of the day, I am always too tired and I go to sleep directly. The fan is on all the time, so I have no problem with sleeping. In fact, “if you throw me away from the bed, I won’t know anything”. If the government asks us to leave dharavi, I will go and find another place to get job since the shop does not belong to my father.
At the end of the day, we celebrated the holi day at koliwada with urban typhoon and the india. it was a great day for them. on this night, i was completely wet and coloured, good for me that i am wearing a 60 rupees shirt and pant. in fact, my trousers got torn but only jasper noticed.

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